
A Hole is Dug One Shovelful at a Time

593) We are all shovel experts. We know where to get it and how it’s used. Some ground is easier to dig into and others, not so much. I often think of this shovel image when I have made poor decisions. Each wrong step I take is like digging and the more I continue in this poor decision, the deeper my hole gets until finally, I stand back and am frightened to see how deep I have gone, making it hard to get out.

2 Samuel 11 tells us that King David, a man after God’s own heart, commits adultery and then, murder. Did he wake up one day telling himself he would do these things? No, I don’t think so. What he did do was pick up his shovel, digging his hole as he made each poor decision.

Wouldn’t it be better to recognize the bad results that will come from digging so that you can put the shovel down? Easier said than done and yet, if I begin to recognize that I’m digging, I can choose to stop.  

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